Continuous Trade Logo


Technical analysis software for the stock market

About Continuous Trade

The Contracts

The stock symbol now is a Contract, (that's the name IB gives to), and includes more info: the symbol string of three or four capital letters, the trading currency, the main and secondary markets where we trade, etc...

The currencies

The application is really multiple currency, every symbol (contract) is traded on his currency and every transaction has a currency.
The monetary imports show the currency symbol on it, according to the conventions of the preferred locale.
Continuous Trade does not perform currency conversions, when needed to do currency summaries, summarizes the currencies with the same code and creates a money bag for every code.

The portfolios

Like the project did, Continuous Trade supports multiple portfolios working at the same time
Now there are now two main sections on the portfolio:
- the upper section is the old portfolio that permits us to take account of all the transactions, and contains the share tables for the transactions we have accounted, and gives a summary of what we have. - the lower part is the new Interactive Brokers section, here we enter or modify the orders for IB, and shows the information extracted from the TWS.
All the sections have been remodeled, there is a new layout with Tabbed Panes, that compacts the space needed presenting the information, and gives easy access to all.

The IB connection

Continuous Trade supports connections with multiple TWS™.
Every TWS™ can be running on any host we can reach over an IP network.
The whole application has a main connection to one TWS™, which can be used for the rest of the running modules, or the user can parametrize that modules to use another TWS™.
A portfolio has multiple IB accounts to receive incoming executions or open orders from the TWS where it is connected, there is also a default account to get the movements corresponding to any non defined account, or the user can parametrize to trash that.

The market data

It's not necessary to import data before representing a graph or making an analysis, there is a module to automagically identify the data needs and request them to the IB TWS™.

The charts

The charts are greatly improved, now are real time, and are drawn in intervals as little as one second or as bigger than one day.

Bar Size

Parametric Value

1 sec


5 secs


15 secs


30 secs


1 min


2 mins


5 mins


15 mins


30 mins


1 hour


1 day


(table comes from the IB API user's guide).

(™) TWS is a trademark of Interactive Brokers

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